5 things that I absolutely like until now...

For Dark Souls fans like me, any mention of Elden Ring triggers heart palpitations, a galvanic response from the skin and a tendency similar to that of a meadow dog getting out of our burrows and looking around them With anticipation. Yesterday, we received fifteen full minutes of gameplay sequences and fans are eagerly and with handmade microscopes, ready to dissect each image to find clues about how the final game will take place.

The gameplay video has been in automatic repeat for two days and I think there are very few fans from Software who remained skeptical or unpackaged, including me. Call the Open World Dark Souls III or a Dark Soulsel Hybrid Meet Breath of the Wild, and you would not be wrong. But it only makes the surface stripped.

For the first time, the fans of Souls benefit from an authentic and honest open world instead of a labyrinthical series of interconnected areas (Dark Souls) or a hub with rays (Dark Souls 2 and 3). The card - which is itself a beautiful cartographic - can be decorated up to 100 markers placed by the players. The real world itself is alive with animals to harvest for craft objects on the ground (a souls first) and what is probably a rather immense number of secret areas, from the world, dungeons and Random encounters. The walk through YouTubers is going to be a nightmare trying to understand this one. I love it.

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Magic and pyromancy had an incoherent history in the world of Soulsborne, being sometimes ridiculously op, and other times, being frustrating ways to build a character. According to the number of new flawless magic spells and capabilities (that is, the arrows of souls) and amazing - like a magic dragon head weapon - it seems that from Software has offered the mages of many toys nice.

One of the first revelations around Elden Ring was that there would be a mounted transportation, but the gameplay trailer pointed out that the combat mounted is not only one thing, but seems to be a very important and powerful way Tackle some boss meetings, with the possibility of starting magic, arrows and make melee attacks on horseback. The displacement between the horse and the on foot movement is almost instantaneous. Some questions are of course remained unanswered, such as the functioning of the combat mounted with the invocations of other players during fights against bosses.

Although there was an important stealth element in Sekoo, it seems that its usefulness is even more important in Elden Ring, both to attack enemies and completely avoid combat. A scene included the use of sleep-inducing arrows made from parts of animals and harvest resources around the world. The possibility of making consumables on the ground is a brand new soul mechanism and brings together the game of traditional RPGs. The multiplayer options are booming, the cooperative game and invasions playing their usual roles. This time, players will have the opportunity to invoke spiritual allies to help them fight, and it seems that there will be a wide variety to collect, each with advantages and disadvantages.

Although all other action games now seem to be a kind of variation from Dark Souls, spending time with the revelation of Elden Ring s gameplay recalls that the own approach of from Software is singular and surprisingly coherent. Some will say that the visuals of Elden Ring are not very different from Dark Souls 3, and although this is true, we did not really see a fraction of the game. The games of from concern less the peak effects that Attention absolutely breathtaking to the details of the design, artistic direction and subtle communication on the world and its traditions.

20 Lost Secrets in Dark Souls 3 Her world is immense, her fighting look fantastic, her bosses are very terrifying right. Elden Ring reminded me of Dragon s Dogma - one of my favorite RPGs of all time - if this game was more refined and less Janky. Although it is very accessible (for a game souls, anyway), Dark Souls 3 seemed to many fans too deeply hindered by the tradition of souls and the service of fans that blurred the tradition. On the other hand, Elden Ring looks like an amazing balance of familiar mechanics and ideas, contrasting with a very long list of new approaches to the construction of the world and gameplay.

Are you as enthusiastic about Elden Ring as we are? Why or why not?

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