Ninja: Being the king of Twitch to disappear from any social network, crisis or trolley?

When someone reaches the top in their industry, in many occasions they stay very much thinking about one thing: And now what? You have achieved what no one had been able to have, you are a star In your guild, virtually anyone between 5 and 30 knows about your existence... What are you doing now? The challenge you had proposed had already achieved it based on working without stopping and without thinking about the mental sequels you can have, you have expelled all your desire to do what you dream because you have already achieved it. You don't have anything else left.

This feeling of not knowing what to do with your life once you reach your unimaginable goal, is something that happens on some occasions and we see its sequelae: Michael Jordan left basketball, sport from which for many is the undisputed king, To try luck in the Baseball, something that went quite bad; The Beatles touched the sky with Abbey Road, and shortly after the group disappeared without a trace because they had already done everything possible to be more famous than Jesus. Why do I explain this? For what happened last night with Tler Ninja Belvins

One of Twitch's most important pillars

I think Ninja has reached that moment that we have commented; But not now, but it arrived several years ago and currently does not even know what it can do after reaching the top. Yesterday, it seems that Ninja suffered an anxiety outbreak during one of its direct when you saw a small nonsense in a Fortnite game, but everything indicates that it was the drop that filled the glass in its head, and That from one moment to another almost explodes in crying and comments that he has to close direct, leaving a message on his Twitter account saying he does not know when he will return.

Ninja became in the past the most important person for content creation. before anyone else, he already rubbed shoulders with stars like Drake or Travis Scott, now that Ibai does it with Eladio Carrión or the Kun Agüero; Tyler was the king and nobody could discuss that, Fortnite was his recess court moment.**

It is there when he got everything: worldwide fame, invitations to the most select shows in the United States, money entering without stopping... He had everything. But nothing is eternal; As Fortnite increased his number of players, ** more and more 'pros' * they humiliated Ninja in his games without being able to do anything; Tfue, Sypher or Myth appeared on the scene to break all the records that one day Ninja got; His passage through streaming seemed to be far away from Fortnite, and his spectators noticed him.

The beginning of the end

It was end of 2019 when Ninja, little by little, saw that was no longer the king of anything. Yes, no one was as important for the platform as him, but at that time few remembered his impact and preferred to see Tfue leave half the server with a green shotgun. But it was not only the arrival of others, but also the change in his style when making direct . If many remember Tyler during his beginnings, many will remember how he shouted his enemies, defeating them in very epic ways and with bad words in each sentence.

The content of his began little by little to focus on the Family Friendly , and moved away from what it was originally. Ninja was the one in the direct ones, but not Tyler. It was to early 2020 when, shortly before the official start of the pandemic, Tyler announced that he left Twitch to make direct in Mixer , with a 50 million contract in two years and a bombing That nobody expected. That is when he saw that he probably took advantage of his image and his mark, or died soon.

This is how he recovered some followers, but it was still quite mediocre to what we saw in 2018. Ninja went from being a reference to being a meme in the community... and this happened to him. He was no longer the same as before; His energy was in the last and gradually faded during a time when Twitch began to rise exponentially thanks to COVID-19. Everything seemed to go against his, but at least he made sure to be comfortable despite having sacrificed much of his audience.

Anxiety attack or a marketing movement?

We now return to the present, with ninja supposedly missing and waiting for his return . Many people thought that this break was normal: Stremear so many years without stopping an invoice and its worldwide fame could have done Meya in their mental health. But another part of the public theorized something that also makes sense: on the one hand, when starting that direct, he commented that great things were going to happen; On the other, he has disappeared all the branding of his brand in all his social networks and has lost the verified on Twitch practically when two years of his return to the platform are turned for the closure of Mixer.

Is Ninja doing a strategy for your announcement to another platform such as YouTube Gaming? Most people who know how this world works are sure that it is a marketing movement for your announcement to another place, since Recently we could even know that Twich let it make direct on YouTube even though you had the partner. Has Tyler used an alleged anxiety attack to make a teaser about his great announcement?

Ninja We do not know exactly what will happen, only time will tell us what has happened with him and we do not want to frivolize with things as sensitive as a person's mental health. ** But to what extent is a person capable of provoking things like this to relive his career? spread your brand? Time will tell us the answer to all these questions.
