There is now official Dark Souls
Did you ever even follow in the footsteps of Dark Souls -Characters simple but you had not the right clothes? This could change now. Although the new official merchandise includes no knightly regalia, but you bring, among other boots that Oscar of Astora are dedicated - and also fit into our world. Besides containing the watches, backpacks and more collection. We tell you all about it.
Official Dark Souls collection presented
Go therefore it: The Japanese fashion house SuperGroupies offers in collaboration with Dark Souls, a collection of which includes, among others, purses and boots. They are dedicated to different characters and opponents Lordran.
Here you get an overview of all items:
Solaire Wristwatch Solaire Bag Solaire Purse Black Knight Watch Black Knight Backpack Black Knight wallet Artorias Wristwatch Artorias backpack Artorias wallet
Oscar leather jacket
Oscar Boots
Like all products look, you can see here:
The boots are a tribute to Oscar of Astora we meet in the northern Asylum of the undead. The brown boots have a side chain and a coat of arms on the tongue. There are also, for example, the Black Knight Watch, reminiscent of the colors and shapes of the dial to the typical armor. Another watch model is dedicated to our friend NPC Solaire and carries the well-known symbol of the sun.
More about From Software games:
Elden ring should appeal to a lot more playing as Dark Souls, Blood Borne and Co. Elden ring could lose what I love so much to Dark Souls Bloodborne fan shows how the NPCs as real people look like and that s pretty unusual
So you can order the collection
The pieces may be pre-date until the end of October and are scheduled for delivery in March next year. You are not to have quite favorable as collectibles. Thus, the Solaire wristwatch is given, for example, converted at around 250 euros, the matching purse with about 85 euros. For the Oscar-Boots 170 euros to be called about.
But beware: These are only the prices before tax excluding shipping. Both come on top of it. In addition Kund must inside outside the United States through a third-party page order as you remove the provisions on the website can.
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