Alive or dead et Ninja Gaiden candidats au reboot

What can be forgotten the wobbly homage to 2021 in Ninja Garden: Master Collection, which was content to juxtapose the 3 primary 3D components without a bonus, or perhaps a unified user interface as a dressing.

Prior to beginning to get carried away, it ought to be kept in mind that it is above all a pious desire, or more precisely a slide on a PowerPoint broadcast for the occasion, without the smallest extraordinary visual aspect to accompany it. The jobs would indeed be under building to believe Fiumicino Masada, head of Group Ninja, evidence that we do not get rid like that of BYU Hayabusa, main figure present in the two series, one in the action register, the other in the pure fight.


Embedded to many jobs around unpublished licenses, To Long: Fallen Dynasty and Rise of the Robin in mind, Group Ninja does not forget the franchises that made its past splendor. The most radical group of Goa Team even made the most of the G-Star program to reaffirm against the South Korean public its desire to reboot Dead Or Alive and Ninja Garden.
