Zenless Zone Zero: New Game of the Gensin Impact

Gensin Impact is an insane success: two weeks after his release in October 2020, it played its development costs again and the mobile version alone recorded more than 15 million downloads in a few days. Even a year and a half later, the free open world role-playing game is still supplied with new content and rinses the Chinese developer studio Hoyoverse , previously known under the name Mihoyo , insane sums into the till.

No wonder that one wants to build on the success of Genshin Impact and now announces the next game: Zenless Zone Zero will be the new title and instead of Teyvat's picturesque fantasy landscape, players awaits players this time The futuristic cyber punk city of New Eridu.

a load of action and a pinch of post -apocalypse: Zenless zone zero

But what would the future be without post -apocalypse ? Accordingly, civilization has already been destroyed by a huge catastrophe and New Eridu The last bastion of humanity. New Eridu is therefore not only defended with new technologies against the so -called Hollows, which summarize monsters from other dimensions, but also use them to recruit resources.

Zenless Zone Zero Welcome to New Eridu Trailer

The struggles against said monsters seem to be as departed as the story sounds as action -packed: The first trailer for the game puts the various, sometimes very crazy characters in scene, as they clean the streets of New Eridu with spectacular attacks from the creatures.

At this point, much more is not yet known about Zenless Zone Zero. The game should first appear on the PC and iOS , other platforms are planned, but there is no release date yet. Interested fans can register on the official website for beta tests, but the rush is tremendous: there are already more than a million registrations.

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