Gensin Impact maker reveal new action

Zenless Zone Zero is the new game of the Gensin Impact developer studio Hoyoverse (Formerly Known as Mihoyo). Even if some elements of the two titles are obviously similar, the setting differs very strongly: While Impact, Impact, it was particularly important in a fantasy world that reminds of Zelda Botw, Zenless Zone Zero takes us into a post-apocalyptic, Urban game world.

Genshin Impact maker present their new game Zenless Zone Zero

That's what it's about: In Zenless Zone Zero, a mysterious disaster called Hollow has destroyed civilization as we know it. The supernatural event independently creates new dimensions in which monsters are called Ethereeal. Meanwhile, humanity has cleared itself together in the last city named New Eridu and tried to use the Hollows dimensions for themselves.

The exploitation and exploration of the Hollows brings new technology, money and resources, but at the same time calls greedy companies, gangs, fanatics and conspiracy fans. This leads to tensions in the world of Zenless Zone Zero and we are in the middle of it. As a so-called proxy, we specialize in helping others to explore the new, strange hollows dimensions.

Here you can watch a first gameplay trailer :

The hard facts: So far there is no fixed release date for Zenless Zone Zero, but a beta will soon start for which you can already register here. For the time being, it only takes place on PC and iOS. But in the future the whole thing will also be extended to other available platforms.

Action-RPG with roguelike elements: If we fight against opponents in Zenless Zone Zero, we can control different characters (which looks similar as in Gensin) and the whole thing should be very action-oriented. In addition, the new game probably also relies on Roguelike mechanics that have not yet been explained more precisely (via: TwinFinite).

Liben Just Revealed New Sumeru and Fontaine Info (Genshin Impact) How do you like the trailer and the style of Zenless Zone Zero?
