Twitch: Asmongold explains why the Avengers do not fit in Kingdom Hearts 4

Recently announced in the new Anniversary Trailer Kingdom Hearts 4 , the Disney and RPG fans in astonishment. Among the fans, the well-minute trailer frame for Frame was discussed and discussed about possible allusions. The community wants signs for The World Ends With You, Star Wars, Final Fantasy XIII and XV and the Avengers from the Marvel Universe have found.

But although apparently all look forward to the next part of the franchise, expressed MMO streamers Asmongold concerns that not only disney and final fantasy figures could appear. Especially the Marvel figures would not fit in Kingdom Hearts. Fans therefore speculate about the crossover with Marvel heroes, because the main actor Sora moves astonishingly similar to its gripping hook like a Marvel hero in spider costume.

Marvel heroes on the side of Donald Duck?

Asmongold Reacts to Kingdom Hearts 4 - Reveal Trailer

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After Asmongold had seen the trailer and expressed his interest in playing the fourth part of the Kingdom-Hearts series itself, a viewer explored after the possibility that Marvel superheroes could fight at the side of Sora, Goofy and Donald Duck.

"If there is something I've learned about intellectual property over the years, then it is that nobody really knows the answer, except probably a cabal of overpaid lawyers," he joked. "Nobody has a idea, I think, maybe, but I have no idea." Apart from that, Asmongold does not even want comic icons such as Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor or Ironman in the game, from an important reason.

Marvel does not fit to Kingdom Hearts, but...

"I feel that the Avengers do not really fit the topic," he explained. "I think that maybe something like the Hulk fits. But I feel that the topic of Kingdom Hearts is much carefree." However, as ASMONDOLD, however, noticed, the series of Antagonist Sephiroth appeared from Final Fantasy 7, causing him to compare the Disney RPG with Super Smash Bros. With all its crazy crossovers.

It remains to be seen whether Marvel will flow into the game, but as fans noticed, the trailer seemed to indicate that Star Wars occurs in the game. In a recording, the foot of a possible AT-ST can be seen (second 35 at the top right of the video), suggesting that one of endor-inspired levels could be in progress. How would you find the crossover with Marvel heroes? We are looking forward to your opinion in the comments.

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