Kingdom Hearts 4: There, Star Wars hides in the trailer!

For the 20th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix has announced the next part of the Roleplay Series in a first trailer at the weekend with Kingdom Hearts 4 . Shortly after the revelation, fans immediately overlooked the material and the different scenes take exactly below the micros to discover some hidden information .

What was discovered in the trailer of Kingdom Hearts 4?

Kingdom Hearts 4 Trailer: Star Wars Easter Egg? First instructions indicate that, among other things Star Wars to the Crossover Worlds will be part of Part 4. For a short moment we get a forest in the trailer, which has striking many similarities with the forest on endor from Episode 6 . Since the first Kingdom Hearts from 2002, Vertagonist Sora and his companions goofy and Donald Duck visits different worlds from the Disney Universe . Since Star Wars is now at Disney, the Sci-Fi Saga is on the wish list of many trailers.

The forest is not the only note. Fans are convinced that they recognize the foot of an at-st on the ground. On Twitter, a user has published a few comparative pictures that actually show a similarity. We have involved you the tweets sometimes below, so that you can take a look at it yourself.

Plans for Kingdom Hearts and Star Wars already existed

According to a report by Starwarnwsnet, Disney wanted to accommodate the Sci-Fi Universe for the first time in Kingdom Hearts: Fragmented Keys . However, the mobile game was scancelt and the project will not be pursued. The Clone Wars would obviously have become part of history. Maybe it works now in Kingdom Hearts 4 . For the moment, however, patience is needed. The role-playing game still has no release date ** from Square Enix.

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