Ninja Turtles Mutant Teenage: The Cowabunga Collection will bring together 13 Retro Games Ninja Turtles

Announced at the Sony State of Play this Wednesday, March 9, Ninja Turtles Mutant Teenage: The Cowabunga Collection will most likely try to surf the Shredder's Revenge wave to awaken the nostalgic flame of turtle lovers.

Thirteen titles, released on Arcade and on consoles between the late 80s and the mid-90s: That's what awaits players in Ninja Turtles mutant teenage: The Cowabunga Collection . Thirteen adaptation of Ninja turtles out of 8-bit and on 16-bit under the aegis of Konami (for development or publishing), West or Japan. Are therefore cited: TMNT II: The Arcade Game , TMNT III: The Manhattan Project , MNT IV: Turtles in Time , The Hyperstone Heist , but also TMNT III: Radical Issue or Tournament Fighters .

In addition to visual dusting work, Digital Eclipse also loads comfort options such as backup on the fly or the rewind if dear in the heart of Puyo. By elsewhere, the studio announces being assembling guides resuming the aesthetics of the 80s and 90's video game magazines to help players face the most trapping passages of these different titles. Because yes, here is the answer to the question you are very certainly asking: the TMNT of the NES will do its return in 2022 in this compilation. Sacred pleasure.

OHMYGODDDD!! TMNT Cowabunga collection VIDEO GAME REACTION!! Retro Ninja Turtles fans rejoice!!

Know that the local multi will also be integrated, from one up to four players, in the games where it can be. Ninja Turtles Mutant Teenage: The Cowabunga Collection will be available during the year, on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, Switch and Steam, at a price of $ 40.
