Scream Star compares the filming of a new movie with AMONG US

The new grit finally came to the cinemas this weekend, and has received mostly positive reviews both of the criticism and the public. The new horror movie is currently in rotten tomatoes with a critical score of 75% and an 86% audience score. The film presents the return of grit basic elements of Névé Campbell, Courtney Cox and David Marquette, as well as a new cast of characters. Two actors that appear in the film are the heights Melissa Barrera and The Boys Jack Quiet, who recently spoke with massively disgusting and compared to make the movie with playing the popular multiplayer game Entire us.

I would never have looked at a script of terror if it had not been grit, Barry shared. So I opened it because it was grit, and because I know how big it is... because I was a big fan when I was small. And then I loved the character. So I thought... The script is so good and the original characters come back... Yes, you do not have to think about it ».

Quiet added: I was a fan of terror in advance. He had made a horror movie... and I think I really liked being in a basic element of the horror franchise. And I think grit is perfect. I really love things that are a kind of goal, comment on themselves... in terms of my character... especially at the beginning of filming, we all had different scripts. I was never sure what the situation was. In some versions, some characters die, other characters die in other versions. In some versions someone is the murderer, in other versions someone else is the killer. It was like a great game of entire us.

Interestingly, it was also announced today that The are going to be collaborating with the grit franchise in a special way. Inner sloth revealed that a series of new cosmetic items associated with grit will soon reach the game. Aft your knives, our Ghost face collaboration will arrive soon! The officer said. Entire ourselves Twitter account published. They also shared a new video with several streamers playing Entire, together with the members of the new movie distribution. When the grit the update finally arrives Entire us, it should be available on all the platforms of the game, which now includes Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, PC and mobile devices.

The new grit is now playing in the cinemas.
