Blue Reflection: Second Light Elaboration Guide

While handicraft may seem that a rear seat is needed to combat and blue flexion: second light is the main story, it is actually quite important. OUR BLUE Reflection: Second Luz Crafting Guide has it covered on the key aspects of crafts that will help you develop the school, complete requests, elaborate food and more.

How to cook and elaborate in Blue Reflexion: Second Light

Throughout the game, AO will receive requests from her colleagues at school, asking her to elaborate an article or recipe or build a new school facility. Complete requests is one of the few ways to earn more talent points, and the creation of school facilities provides state improvements while the team explores Hearts capes.

In the same elaboration menu, AO can also cook recipes, and final dishes can also provide status improvements such as improved ether recovery speed or healing while the computer is exploring a Hearts cape. All the craftsmanship occurs in the workroom on the first floor, 1f.

When creating, you will have to choose four characters, and each one has a different main skill approach. For example, Shi ho s main skill is recovery, while Yuri is repair, so the combination of different combinations of four characters will provide different combinations of improvements for any element or installation. You can verify this at any time through the index of the database. You can buy more enhancers with Talent Points.

Blue reflexion: second Light Basic concepts of processing and cooking

To create anything, you will need resources that are in Hearts capes. Although resources are mainly collected within Hearts capes, you can not consume raw resources or create anything while you are in Hearts capes; It must be done at school. For this reason, it is important to prepare the food before leaving.

All the food and craft items are made at the bright blue table in the workroom. Each element can display multiple effects, such as Revival, Vitality, Cure and Recovery for much food and Attack Down for offensive elements such as Firecrackers. These will be listed on the right side after entering the creation menu.

Blue Reflection: Second Light Demo - Full Gameplay Walkthrough (PS5)

Increases the effect with items of higher quality | Blue reflexion: second light cooking

When an element lists its effects on the right side of the screen, it will normally say something like HP Gain XS or Ether Speed ​​Up S. The XS and S refer to tiny and Small, respectively, which indicates how much of that effect will provide. Especially at the beginning, these will work well for the most, but it can increase its effects marginally, such as XS to S or M to L, with higher quality versions of the elements.

For example, Heart Fruit and Jack-O-Lanterns are considered sweet ingredients and can be used in the pancake recipe, which increase the recovery of the speed of the ether in an average amount. However, the fruits of the heart are in the first landscape of the heart, while the Jack-O-Lanterns are found in several chapters of Kiara. The use of this last ingredient in pancakes can increase the recovery speed effect of medium to large.

What items should have at hand from the beginning Blue reflexion: second light

You will not have access to many recipes at first, but as you request and interact with members of your group, you will get access to more than time passes. But in the early hours, you will probably find that you need to recover between battles from time to time. Again, all the effects of these recipes can be increased.

Tamagoyaki — HP Gain XS Sandwich — HP Gain S Tea — recovery of a single-state disease Pancake — Acceleration of ether Macaron — KO Recovery XS

Of course, there are many other elements that can also increase other states, such as attack and defense. In addition, you will not have access to Mara cons immediately, but once you get the recipe, you must have at least some by hand.

Use the database index or pins requests to locate elements

This applies to both edible and non-edible items, since it collects both when it explores a Hearts cape. At some point, you probably run out of an ingredient that you need to elaborate, and you will have to collect more. The database index can tell you what enemies release that element and / or where you can locate. If the item is prepared through an application, you can set the mission. Also, go to the rudder, and I should tell you what HeartS cape can be found and specifically at what level, as well as what enemies can be found there.

School Development in Blue Reflexion: Second Light

School Development in Blue Reflexion: Second Light means building new installations on campus and is also important for the game. Sometimes, it will be necessary as part of the missions, but it is important to create installations for requests when they are available.

Each installation implements passive and active effects when exploring Hearts cape and combat. For example, Morning Glory Garden provides an average level of Gear and Attack and Café Space enhancers providing HP UP XS. In addition to its effects, some facilities offer items to exchange with coins. The Café Space will exchange coffee and the vending machines will exchange moisturizer.

Some facilities require activation before effect occurs. For example, Bonfire s Heal Recovery M is quite useful, but requires resources to activate and only lasts a limited time before it must be reactivated.

Finally, the facilities can be updated using resources, which can increase its effects significantly, but may require obtaining more resources in Hearts capes.

Check the active effects before replacing the facilities

Like the recipes acquired at the principle of Blue, second light, many installations built above will have weaker effects than those subsequently built. Even so, at some point, it probably stayed without space and needs to replace the facilities to replace new ones, but before doing so, you must verify its effects before building over them.

The effects of each current installation can be checked in the Party menu.

Check for new dates after building a new installation

Many new facilities will provide new appointment opportunities for at least one pair of characters, if not all. Because Dates Reward AO and her team with talent points, building new facilities at each opportunity is a great opportunity to accumulate talent points.

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