Ninja explains what Twitch

The Streamer Tyler Ninja Blevins (30) still has thanks to thanks to the channel with most followers on Twitch. In 2019 he was changed to the platform blender. Now he explains why Microsoft s streaming platform failed and how joyful he experienced the end.

That s the situation:

Ninja has completely demonstrated the treadmill of the streamer, for years he streamed a little earnings for a few hours for little yield until he succeeded in the fall of 2017 the breakthrough on Twitch. In the course of the Fortnite Hypes 2018, Ninja became a most famous gamer in the world , made a record stream with Rapper Drake, but was able to win new Follower on Twitch, it managed in talk shows and the cover of sports magazines and earned alone over the Creator code in Fortnite more than 5 million US dollars in the lace months. But in 2019, Ninja surprisingly changed to the platform Mixer, where he reached significantly fewer spectators than on Twitch. On July 23, 2020, Microsoft set mixers and Ninja moved back to Twitch.

Mixer had so much potential, failed at the little things

What failed Mixer? In an interview with the E-Sport clan 100thieves says Ninja, Mixer failed to fail at apparent trifles and the immobility of the huge Group Microsoft. Mixer had technically as much on it. Ninja praises the advantages of the service:

The Low Latency mode was practically instant There was no limit at the bit rate, the picture was incredibly clear The hype zone was a giant idea - that was a stream that always switched to the most exciting moments of a battle royal The streaming interactions have been fantastic

Ninja says:

They had so much potential: it was the little things to keep people on the platform. To make a username, you needed a Microsoft Email Account. Are you serious? And then they gave you a user name, like the Xbox live account. That was totally annoying, then you had to go to the account, completely out of the stream, and change your user name so you are not supersquare 69.

Ninja says his two brothers and his wife would have needed the help of Microsoft to create an account at all. That s just ridiculous.


According to Ninja, it s the first thing that one clarifies how to make an account on a platform. This was apparently a weakness of Mixer, because Microsoft wanted to pull people about mixers in their own ecosystem.

In addition, each improvement proposal and any change to Mixer must have to go through the apparatus of MEGA Group Microsoft, with tens of hierarchy levels and permits. Therefore, each proposal has used eternally to really lead to a change.

Twice as much streamed as in the contract stand

Ninja has given trouble on mixer? Ninja says he was starting with full ambition at the beginning:

Contractually, he had to stream only 150 hours a month. The first 6 months he demolished 300 hours

I wanted to win. It was not that I just signed the big deal and wanted to collage. I have twice as much streamed for six months as agreed as agreed, but it still did not work. And it was not because I did not want.

Ninja said, at Mixer, the audience numbers were just very different than before. Only at Fortnite he had even high audience numbers and only if he was constantly won and everything was great. Then he came to 10,000 spectators, which was huge for mixer conditions, but still tiny compared to his twitch time.

Ninja has a God as a lawyer who cares about him

Why was he looking forward to the end? You know that Ninja completed a highly doped contract at Mixer for several years. Many, the contract is intended to have 30 million US dollars for 3 to 4 years streamed on mixers. When the platform mixer has been dissolved, the lawyers of Ninja acted that he got paid the entire contract sum that still has a state:

Although Ninja was only from August 2019 to July 2020 with Mixer, he should have received the full contract sum. This confirms Ninja yourself. According to rumors, he is said to save himself 2 to 3 years of work and cashed $ 30 million on his stroke. The exact details of the contract are still open. Ninja says only, he was out a year earlier, but does not get closer. Maybe he was so exclusively committed only two years for mixer.

When asked if he knew beforehand that he receives the full sum HIDE or whether he had to spend a lot of time with his lawyers, smiles Ninja and says: We have the best lawyers in the world.

Other exciting articles on Ninja:

Ninja is no longer number 1 on Twitch and everyone annoys him with mixer Mixer is Ninja despite Twitch Stars and Shroud the Great Losers in Streaming War Ninja was with Fortnite the star on Twitch, is now a typical Lol streamer

From the end of Mixers, you have learned about 72 hours before any other. But he had so much confidence in his lawyers that he was sure to be caring for her . Ninja grins and calls his lawyer a God.

Ultimately, he says, one celebrated the end of Mixer. If a Who says, you come out of a deal earlier and still get the whole money, then of course that was a reason for a celebration in the house Blevins .

To the way he experienced the end, says Ninja:

It was a celebration of the moment, but hey. Oh my god - I changed the platform and had 100% good intentions. It was for the industry, of course it was lucrative and ... I came out earlier.

That s behind it: Still is still unclear how much Ninja has received with the end of mixer on a blow to money. Because one knows neither the contract sum nor the term of the exclusive contract.

But if Ninja talks about the topic, he can not stop grinning.

He knows that he had probably made the business of his life with the deal: he has collected the full sum without having to spend the full time in exile away from Twitch.

The ultra-ambitious Ninja wormed the low auditor numbers on blenders and made every day on the platform to a factory-paid working day, but they taught his nerves and pressed at his ego.

Ultimately, Ninja celebrated the end of Mixer. Many other streamers who had built up a channel on mixers, but regret the end of the platform until today:

While Ninja and Shroud cash, small mixer streamer are completely finished
