LOL: What are the champions that kill the most? The answer is a character who all hate

When we look at the statistics of a game of League of Legends we always have the habit of paying excessive attention to the final score. The registration of low, deaths and assists is an obsession for a large number of players who take this indicator as the most valuable of all. Dominating this section is not necessarily synonymous with victory. However, it is very rewarding when we managed to reign in these statistics. In order to get it there are champions with more facilities than others and, although that does not put them high in a Tier List, today we are going to point out what are the most bloodthirsty of the game that more enemies are capable of liquidating.

The lowest champions get from League of Legends

You may be thinking that it is obvious that champions who share the category of murderers are those that govern this statistic. However, there are two reasons why we should change perception there are endless characters with that function and, in addition, there is a much more relevant factor when it is able to get a good number of casualties. We can forget to see Zed, Talon or Qiyana at the top of the list , although curiously serve to confirm our theory.

Now, it is time to know the five champions who occupy the first position in this regard and understand the reasons that they are on top of the list.

None of those present in the list is excessively surprising. However, there is a common factor that affects all champions except katarina it is very interesting. Evelynn , Master Yi , RENGAR and kha zix share a position and show that the role is fundamental when it comes to determining the number of casualties that we will get in a game. In fact, all those present in the top ten positions except for Twitch are played in the jungle or the central lane.

Interestingly, the champions with more facilities to get casualties do not have a victory rate higher than the average. Although they have a good kDa and they are not the ones that die more, in most cases they are adjusted in such a way that they lose power as the games advance and have difficulties to achieve casualties in the late game . One way to balance League of Legends something frustrating, but of proven operation.

In this case it would not have too much sense to do the opposite exercise trying to determine which champions get less low since they would all be in the support position. However, there are a few additional interesting details as the fact that the offensive position with less low is the top lane , where even the most aggressive champions are unable to shine. Characters like Renekton stay in only 5 deletions per game and are those champions with more mobility options such as Quinn or Akshan those who lead the position.

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