PS5: Large milestone reached - the fast-sold playstation

A Gantt graph is a kind of bar chart that shows a job schedule, called after its developer, Henry Gantt (1861-- 1919), who designed such a graph around the years 1910-- 1915. Modern Gantt charts additionally show the dependency relationships in between tasks and the current routine status.

In the course of today s day, the current software charts from the UK, who removed that Nintendos Switch on the island continued to be on the road to success.

In addition to the publication of the software charts, the market researchers of GFK Chart-Track identified details of the sales month of August 2021 and pointed out that the PlayStation 5 recently become the best-selling console of the United Kingdom - followed by the Switch and the Xbox Series X / S .

2021 sells more than 1.4 million consoles

The bottom line was around 155,000 consoles in the United Kingdom in August 2021. This increases the number of video game consoles relised in 2021 on the island on the island on more than 1.4 million. Compared to the same period of the previous year, this corresponds to an increase of just under 33 percent. The number of games sold in August 2021, according to GfK Chart-Track, amounts to 1.86 million - an increase of 6.3 percent.

on the subject : UK charts: Nintendos Switch dominates - How are Lost Judgment & Death Stranding?

Double reason to celebrate have those responsible by Sony Interactive Entertainment. On the one hand, the Playstation 5 celebrated the next big milestone and was able to sell more than a million times in the UK. Furthermore, GfK Chart-Track reports that the PS5 develops with this success to the fast-sold PlayStation console on the island.

Under the dash, the PS5 of all delivery bottlenecks of recent months needed, despite only 39 weeks to the brand of one million remote units in the United Kingdom. The previous record holder in the form of the PlayStation 4 was still 42 weeks.

Source: Gamesindustry

Further messages to PS5.
