Kingdom Hearts 3: ReMind – Limit Cut

Aura Kingdom, additionally referred to as Dream Frontier Online (Chinese: 幻想神域) in Taiwan and also Hong Kong as well as Innocent World in Japan, is a greatly multiplayer online parlor game made by the Taiwanese game developer X-Legend. In Japan, it was initially called Gensō Shin'iki (幻想神域, lit.: Fantasy Shelter). After a significant upgrade, the name was altered to Gensō Shin'iki: Cross to Fate (幻想神域 ~ Cross to Fate ~). Other significant video games created by X-Legend are Grand Fantasia and Eden Eternal.Aura Kingdom was published by Aeria Games in January 2014. It is a free-to-play game that was introduced on August 12, 2013 at Otakon 2013. Attendees at Otakon were given beta keys for the MMO.

Square Enix reveals new details about the content of the DLC.

From the main versions in January 2020 Remind by Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC is probably one of the largest. It starts first for PS4 and contains new bosses, story content and other new features for fans of the series. Square Enix has published some new information about the game on the official Japanese website.

Ninnern is basically a new story with SORA and will take place in front of the final on the Keyblade Graveyard. Sora is essentially exploring the hearts of the seven guards of light in this scenario. Then there is still the limit cut episode where struggles with high degree of difficulty goes against organization 13 (which sounds like a boss-rush mode).

Players also have the chance between playable characters such as Riku, Aqua, Roxas and Kairi (in some cases, cooperative skills between group members are available). For the Japanese version of the game, there will be a secret episode and a boss and an English mode. Further details are expected in the coming weeks. Kingdom Hearts 3: Remind appears on January 23, 2020 for PS4 and will be released on 25 February 2020 for Xbox One.

Keywords: Kingdom Hearts 3, Kingdom Hearts 3 Remind, PS4, Square Enix, Xbox One
