Elden Ring: This PS5

Action role-playing (often shortened activity RPG or ARPG) is a subgenre of computer game that integrates core aspects from both the activity video game and role-playing style.

The first major titles of the video yield 2022 include the action role-playing Elden Ring, which is currently under development at the Dark Souls makers in development.

With the Xbox Series X / S and the PlayStation 5 are also supplied with the consoles of the new generation. On demand of colleagues of Unbearly Yasuhiro Kitao said, at FROM Software, among other things, for marketing, the features to be supported by Elden Ring. As he grabbed, a popular function of the PlayStation 5 will probably stay outside.

Currently no support of the 3D audio planned

The speech is of the 3D audio feature that is probably not supported according to the current state of things. In contrast to another preference, which the PlayStation 5 has to offer. We are currently not thinking about 3D audio, but look for ways to implement the haptic feedback of the dualSense controller, Kitao was quoted.

on the subject : Elden Ring: New screenshots arrived, extensive gameplay details and more

Further details of supporting the dualSense controller or its exclusive functions did not named Kitao. In addition, the statements of from Softwares Marketing boss suggest that nothing is carved in stone with regard to the support of the dualSense controller features. Therefore, we can probably assume that further information on this topic will follow in the next few weeks or months.

Elden Ring is published on January 22, 2022 for the PC, the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation 5, the Xbox One and the Xbox Series X / S.

Source: Ungained

Further messages to Elden Ring.

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