Dark Souls: The village of the dead

Redo ancient play levels and sometimes entire games under Unreal Engine 4 This is the new fashion. The Esinreborn moder has thus been striven on the village of living village of Dark Souls, stating that it was its preferred level.

The least we can say is that his work is quite impressive, especially when we know he is totally alone to do this.

I have redone one of my favorite levels, all video games combined, the village of the lives of Dark Souls. I wanted to do it in a clearer and more alive style. I did it mainly to study and practice the Level Design ... and it was also very fun to do. (Excuse the few glitches at the beginning, and brutal acceleration).

For now, its creation is not available for download and it may be the case when you know recurring requests in video comments.

Now imagine an official remake of the game ... with an even bigger magnitude!
