By a rumor from Softwarela under the work of the Souls game exclusive to PlayStation -

From Dark Souls, FROM Software has usually released its game for several different platforms. At the same time, they also have history of exclusivity games with Sony, and that game is known as Bloodborne. The extension is desirable for a long time, but according to the latest rumor, there is something else in the boys. The rumor shpeshal_nick is a job on the truth of Twitter, and according to him there would be a game of Souls-like species for the exclusive PlayStation. However, the question is not the game "Bloodborne 2". _ "- ALSO FROMSOFTWARE Making Souls Like Exclusive for PS Not Bloodborne 2 ... This Comes From Same Source Who Revealed Ghost of Tsushima Iki Island DLC Via Dealer Gaming #playstation" _ Yes, it would be heard? Or do you need the same disadvantages to Xbox too? Commented below.
